Sunday, August 9, 2009

Author Review

Have you run out of things to read? Get thee to the children's section!

I read Gary Paulsen's Hatchett when my son was in junior high. Recently my mother said, "You've got to read this. It is laugh out loud funny." It is! I nearly rolled in the floor laughing. I passed it on to my sister-in-law. We laughed and giggled about it after she finished. Even now, I am smiling at the antics these two boys came up with one summer. This book will take you back to a much simpler time...a time that will make you wonder how anyone survived being a child!

Bass Reeves? Who is this man? Why didn't we hear anything about him when we were in school? He actually lived. He is a legend in Oklahama dating back to the days when Oklahoma was called Indian Territory. Former escaped slave turned Marshall?! Why didn't we hear anything about him when we were in school!

By all sure to pick up and read Hatchet, Bryan's Winter, Bryan's Return, and other books written by Gary Paulsen.

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